You’re great at what you do. 
Business is gaining momentum …🎉

And, you are wisely wondering (or likely should be)
"Do I have the legal, financial and tax foundations in place to support what I'm creating?"

(If you are ready to step fully into your power by understanding
the legal and financial systems you need to create TRUE wealth
you've found the right support. Enroll in LIFT today. )

If you plan to make more than $100K in revenue this year (or you already are)...

you’re here because you are ready to bring maturity & longevity & tax savings to your business, and know with confidence that your business growth will continue with least risk to you …

It’s time to get your L.I.F.T. Legal, Insurance, Financial, and Tax systems in place. 

I get you, and I've got you ... 

You’ve built a business you’re proud of, you’re rocking it in marketing and sales, your clients are getting results…it looks like a highly successful business…

…but beneath the surface something feels wobbly:

→ You often wonder if it’s “okay” that you don’t understand the first thing about your legal structure or tax setup

→ You’re in low-level anxiety that you’re doing something wrong financially

→ You’re wondering if your CPA is actually saving you money on taxes, or costing you more than you need to pay

→ You may even be afraid of losing everything you’ve worked SO hard to build … because you didn’t do something quite right (but you aren't sure what it is because you don’t know what you don’t know) ... 

These are NOT irrational fears!

TodayI run a $10M/year company with a $33M valuation, but 11 years ago I lost everything and almost walked away from business entirely because I hadn’t learned what I’m sharing with you here. 

Even though I was a graduate of Georgetown law, first in my class!
Even though I had been a tax attorney working on transactions for Warren Buffett!
Even though I had already built two 7-figure businesses!

I didn't understand the legal, insurance, financial and tax aspects of running a small business. Not knowing what I didn't know cost me everything.

And, if I didn't know what I didn't know, there is no reason you should either.

This is exactly why I created LIFT for you - so you can learn directly from me, and avoid the more than $5,000,000 of mistakes it cost me to learn the hard way.

These are not the kind of fears or risks you can address with meditation, tapping, or high vibes.

These are very REAL considerations that mature, responsible business owners address head-on. And they WILL create more sustainable, impactful and fun businesses than those who look away.

Mature, successful founders and CEOs:

→ don’t call it “impostor syndrome”
→ don’t keep ignoring it until a major problem makes it impossible to ignore
→ don’t just hire someone else to fix it for them (without understanding what’s essential first)
Powerful business people COMMIT to getting fully in *right relationship* with their LIFT ... 
Imagine how it would feel to:
  • Graduate from flying-by-the-seat-of-your-pants founder to confident CEO of your life and business;
  • Know your own numbers better than your bookkeeper does;
  • Relax knowing you have exactly the right insurance in place to protect you;
  • ​Sleep well knowing all your legal structures are in place, and you aren't going to get caught off guard by a lawsuit you could have so easily avoided;
  • ​​Feel confident to create your own legal & tax deductions and know you are saving as much money as possible on your taxes because you are making eyes wide open choices;
  • ​Know exactly who to hire for support with legal and financial and tax matters, and how to know if they are truly serving you;
  • ​​Say with certainty “I get the business of my business” and can count on it no matter what

You may be thinking…
“Can't I just outsource all that”?

You can, yes. But, it's going to cost you a lot more. And not just money, but time, energy and attention. Turning to face it head on, learning what you need to learn to be your own best advisor, and then hire the right advisors when you understand how to know if someone truly is the right advisor for you ...  that's the ticket.

Legal and financial matters are way too sensitive to just let someone else handle it, while you aren’t really clear what “handling it” even means.

Founders and CEOs who give attention to LIFT matters, and invest the time, energy, attention and money to understand what they need to know that they don’t know, reap long term personal and financial rewards that go way deeper than the quick relief of outsourcing something just to wipe it off their plate.

It’s no wonder you’ve avoided doing this work.

Until now, you've had to figure all of this out yourself, without any mentorship or guidance.

My guess is you’ve never found a quality course or like minded community of people where you could go to get all the education, mentorship and support to be able to know what you don’t even know you don’t know, all in one place…
That’s exactly why I created LIFT.
And, I’ll be honest … I did not want to create LIFT. 
Maybe for some of the same reasons you haven’t yet focused on it yourself.
I thought it was boring. I thought it was dry. I thought it didn’t apply to me. I thought it was for other people, bigger businesses, not for little ole’ me. And, I even thought it was a scam … perpetuated by low vibe lawyers who didn’t really get me. I didn’t need structures; I was trustworthy and trustable. Can you relate?

But what I learned from over $1M of mistakes made along the way is that all of it does apply to any business owner, creator, CEO, founder, or anyone who is doing serious work in the world in a real business structure.

You can manifest in the 5D and use 3D tools to ground in what you are creating. In fact, if you don’t want to get derailed, you need these tools and this structure to support you.

→So you can finally establish the foundations you never started with, expand into the next level you need now, learn to make Eyes Wide Open decisions about legal, insurance, financial, and tax matters, and upgrade your business with a foundation you can TRUST and know will SUSTAIN.

→So you can say goodbye to nagging fears and anxieties around legal, financial and tax matters, which inhibit your ability to grow your business.

→So that from your new, solid, trustworthy foundations, you can build a lifetime of dependable, regenerative wealth.
Look, I know that LIFT may not feel like the sexiest, highest priority place to direct your focus (maybe that’s why you’ve avoided it for so long)
But as a founder and CEO of three multi-million dollar companies with 20+ years of experience in business, and having learned everything I teach here the hard way (through a lot of resistance), I can tell you:

❌ Business owners who fail to get proper knowledge of LIFT are significantly more likely to pay the price through avoidable tax mistakes, losing millions of dollars to unanticipated liabilities, and getting into time-consuming and expensive legal messes.

✅Business owners who take responsibility for mastering knowledge & practice of LIFT will create healthy, trustworthy businesses that create dependable, regenerative wealth for them and their families, for years and years to come
LIFT is NOT something you can just outsource to a bookkeeper or a CPA.
Learning LIFT is your rite of passage into adulthood as the CEO or Founder of a reputable company.
Then, you’ll know what you can DIY, what you can outsource, and how to find the right trusted advisors to outsource to, when you’re ready.
I had to go it alone and figure this all out on my own, and I don’t want you to make the same painful, expensive mistakes that I did:
In 2012, after making over $1 million dollars in painful business mistakes, I hit rock bottom and filed for bankruptcy.
I was confused, humiliated, and bereft. How could this have happened?
In the several years prior, my two businesses were seemingly thriving and scaling to heights beyond my wildest dreams.

After working for one of the best law firms in the nation, I left to start my own practice and built it into a million dollar per year business, all while going through a divorce and raising my two young kids who were still breastfeeding.

On the outside it looked like I was doing everything right:

→ I worked HARD to bring in new clients every day
→ I developed my sales skills diligently and closed 9 out of every 10 deals
→ I hired employees into every position we needed so that we could scale fast
→ I showed up for our clients and our team day in and out
→ I created increasingly higher cash months, first 20k, then 50k, then 100k …
→ I sold my law practice and began training other lawyers on my sales & marketing systems
→ I even wrote a best-selling book and got on TV as a family, financial and legal expert

I was winning the game.

But beneath the surface, my foundations were fragile and I had a feeling they would inevitably crack…

I knew what I was creating was NOT safe and trustworthy.
Can you relate?:
→ I sensed something was off, but I shrugged it off as “impostor syndrome”

→ I was so eager to scale FAST that I rushed past crucial legal and financial groundwork (but the truth was I just didn’t know what I really needed)

→ I felt pressure to grab every business opportunity without doing my due diligence 

→ I avoided having clear contracts in place with clients and staff, out of fear of losing them, telling myself “contracts are for people who don’t trust others” 

→ I carried an anxious intuition deep inside my gut that said “something isn’t right…”
Eventually, I crumbled under the weight of it all. The mistakes caught up with me. I had lost over $1 million due to learning the expensive way, and more importantly I lost my confidence.

Even though I knew I could earn money, I didn’t trust myself to steward it.

So I walked away from all of it, moved to a farm and filed bankruptcy. I wish I had known then what I know now.

Several years and two multi-7 figure companies built the RIGHT way later, I am able to say that my painful mistakes were worth it. 

I healed, integrated the hard lessons, and alchemized them into an understanding of LIFT systems that has me in a position to share with you the things that you don’t know that you don’t know, and that I wish I would have known before it was too late. 

Now, I get to save you the time, energy, attention and money from having to learn the hard and expensive way. 

Ali Katz, Kaia Neely, Noah Neely and Todd Neely

This is a peek into my life -- me with my kids and my ex-husband. We got divorced in 2005. It was a VERY difficult divorce, and yet here we are 15+ years later living the vision that I called in of co-parenting our children, and raising amazing humans as a result. It was the hardest thing I've ever done and when you work with me, you'll learn how to create these kinds of results, despite all odds, too.

You might wonder what this has to do with LIFT ...

If I would have tried to outsource my divorce, and listen to the lawyers we both hired - even though they were collaborative lawyers - we would not have had the outcome we did, and our children would have been harmed.

LIFT is about YOU becoming your own best advisor, and then being able to work with the right advisors -- including lawyers -- from the most empowered place possible.
‘I never thought that meeting with an accountant could bring such a feeling of joy and clarity but I now know that I’m leading my business, aware of my numbers and on a solid foundation… Agreements are in place, minutes done, and bookkeeper set. I feel the solidness of the foundation and that my business is something I can lean into as a support structure for me.”

 - Jeanine Becker
Leadership, Collaboration & Negotiation Consultant

“I invested in the LIFT program because I knew there was a gap in my knowledge around all the legal, insurance, financial, and tax side of my business. Before LIFT I was taking unsolicited bad advice from people in my life who don't run businesses. Because of the advice in the program, I had enough information to hire the right people to help me grow my business and take care of the important LIFT pieces. More importantly, I was able to save so much on my taxes these past two years because I knew what I was doing.

 - Nathalie Lussier,Leadership, Collaboration & Negotiation Consultant, founder of Access Ally

"If I would have had LIFT in my business right from the beginning, I would have made far more money and saved myself hundreds of thousands of dollars in mistakes. If you are serious about building yourself a sustainable, profitable business, LIFT is a necessary ingredient."

 - -JJ Virgin
Celebrity Health Expert | Four-Time NY Times Bestselling Author CEO & Launch Strategist

Are you ready to have a mature, legitimate, and profitable business? 

One that you know you can RELY on to be legally safe, financially sound, and have long-term regenerability?

It’s NOT too late to revisit your foundations and finally get them in place.

What’s the pathway to getting your
life + business LIFTed?

Together we’ll journey through five major paradigm shifts:
  • Learn how to transform your relationship to the business side of business and get your LIFT systems handled even though you may think they’re “not sexy.”
  • ​Take charge of your mindset and your time to achieve any goal you set for yourself, including the implementation of your LIFT systems, and finally be able to relax knowing that you can face whatever comes your way…
  • ​Gain the mindset and ability to respond to ANYTHING that comes your way with ease, grace and equanimity, rather than panic, shame and guilt.
Legal Fortress: Protect Your Assets  

One legal mistake can cost you tens of thousands of dollars, and yet most entrepreneurs are unconsciously committed to a lie that they’re not capable of learning legal basics for themselves.

But, you are capable, and I’ve narrowed it all down to exactly what you need to know, so you can spot issues, identify holes, and fill them … without having to go to law school (or get an MBA), neither of which would prepare you as well as LIFT would anyway.

Imagine claiming your own inner legal guardian, and having a fortress of legal protection around yourself and your assets, that you know you can count on, with or without a lawyer by your side. 

There’s a strong chance that you’re exposed to potential lawsuits right now, because your legal structures aren’t dialed in. 

Module two will cover:
  • Choosing the correct business structure for you (Sole Prop, LLC,. S-Corp)
  • Identifying WHERE to incorporate your business, and where not to incorporate (Delaware, Nevada, Wyoming, Puerto Rico… or your own hometown)
  • Protecting your intellectual property (Trademarks & Copyrights)
  • ​Contracts & Agreements with Clients, Contractors and Employees
You don’t have to go to law school to do it right, but you DO need what’s shared in the LIFT legal module, so you can either DIY or hire the right lawyer to support you.

Protect yourself, your business, and your assets.  

*Includes legally sound TEMPLATES for you (and your lawyer) to work from!* 
Covered & Confident: Insurance Mastery  

Insurance can feel like a total waste of time and money. And the truth is that having the wrong type of insurance absolutely can waste your resources. But having no insurance at all can pose extreme danger to your resources. Having the right insurance could save you millions, and transmit a calm and confidence to your nervous system that will benefit every area of your life.

You’ve worked hard to build your business and create wealth for your family. Giving due diligence to understanding how insurance works and choosing the right types of insurance for your business is an expression of love toward yourself and your loved ones.

Module 3 will show you:
  • The 3 types of insurance you must have
  • Real deal info on liability, worker’s comp, property insurance and more
  • How to avoid commission-hungry insurance agents
  • ​Life insurance essentials for peace of mind at home 
Love yourself & your family by having the right insurance.
Intimacy With Money 

There’s an invisible burden weighing on most entrepreneurs– a condition I call “Money Dysmorphia.” It’s a distorted perception of one’s own financial reality, rooted in fear, avoidance, and limiting beliefs. This distortion causes immense financial stress, and often leads to a series of poor business decisions. If you’re unable to see your finances clearly, you’re doing business in the dark, and doing business in the dark is a sure way to stumble and get hurt.

If you’ve noticed yourself perpetually underearning, or earning plenty of money but having no time to enjoy it, or earning sufficiently but struggling to *keep* any of your hard-earned cash, this is the module that will guide you out of the dark and create an imprint of lasting change in the way you earn, save, and spend your money to create the life you want.

It’s time to get intimate with your numbers. The contents of this module bring you into CEO-level maturity with tracking your finances. You’ll create daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly financial rhythms, flows, and systems and land them within yourself as lasting, lifelong behaviors. 

I’ll show you how to:
  • Know HOW to outsource to a bookkeeper the right way (without losing money to outsourcing mistakes)
  • Know exactly which numbers to track (not just your bank balance and your credit card bill)
  • Budget wisely to not overspend 
  • Forecast money for the next 6 and 12 months
  • ​Price your services right (undercharging will never get you where you want to be, and contrary to what many coaches teach, neither will overcharging)
  •  Avoid refund requests 
  • ​Clean up your credit score (Eyes Wide Open members celebrate 100+ increases in their credit scores due to what they learn in LIFT)
  • ​Use credit responsibly & wisely  
  • ​Hire the right bookkeeper and train them
You’ll finally stop feeling stressed about money when you digest the financial module of LIFT, because you’ll finally know how to look at money with discerning eyes. And you won’t relapse into old habits, because what I’ll give you is designed to last.

Goodbye to Money Dysmorphia, once and for all.

Earn, save, and enjoy your money with next-level mastery.
Tax Strategy Secrets: Less Stress, More Cash  

Year after year, tax season comes along and brings with it a familiar anxiety. You find yourself wondering if you’re missing deadlines, paying incorrectly, or worst of all overpaying. Just like with your bookkeeping, you’ve thrown your hands up in the air and surrendered your taxes to a professional, crossing fingers that they’ll save you money.

You need to get this → Unless your CPA is getting paid over $1500/month, they’re not implementing ANY special tax strategies to save you money. All they’re doing is helping you file, using the information YOU give them.

It’s your job to educate yourself on how taxes work for your business structure.

It’s on you to discover and understand the strategies that could save thousands on your bottom line per year.

When taxes are done carelessly, you hand over buckets of cash that could have been invested back into your team, your kids, or your community.

Inside LIFT, you’ll transcend old patterns of avoidance and stress around taxes and walk away confident to keep your hard earned cash. You’ll also:
  • Fund your business growth with tax planning
  • Find and work with a tax strategy team 
  • Know which questions to ask a tax professional
  • Get the tax deductions you’re qualified for and stop wondering if your CPA is saving you enough on taxes. NO! They aren’t. Unless you are paying $1500/mo or more, they are just filing your taxes, and it’s up to you to know how to save money on your taxes. LIFT will get you there.
Plus, LIFT itself is a tax-deductible investment … meaning that the government subsidizes your investment in LIFT, when you account for it properly. We’ll teach you how inside.
 "I want to say "Thank You!" for the LIFT program. I used the Client Agreement when I first started offering group programs last September and I'm happy to report that being clear in the agreement about not offering refunds has gotten me out of at least one potentially sticky situation. Someone was unable to start the program after signing up and paying but because I'd defined that refunds aren't possible (but they can join the next run of the program or transfer the place to another person, if we mutually agree), I didn't have to have that awkward conversation when the situation surfaced."

- Sook Han Lee

"Your work around partnership agreements has transformed my business and it just keeps getting better and better and better. Every time I turn around in my business I find a new way to apply LIFT!! You are an infinite blessing in my life Ali and I’m TRULY DEEPLY grateful!"

 - Amethyst Wyldfyre
Spiritual Advisor, Shaman, Sound Healer & Artist

"I invested in the LIFT program because I knew there was a gap in my knowledge around all the legal, insurance, financials, and tax side of my business. I was a bit skeptical at first because I'm from Canada and I wasn't sure how much of the information would apply to my Canadian business. Luckily I just dove in and I'm so glad I did because Ali opened my eyes and helped me to really see the bigger picture.

Before LIFT I was taking unsolicited advice from people in my life who don't run businesses, and it wasn't bad advice for a consumer but for a business owner it didn't make sense. Because of the advice in the program, I had enough information to hire the right people to help me grow my business and take care of the important LIFT pieces. More importantly, I was able to save so much on my taxes these past two years because I knew what I was doing. Thanks so much Ali! I keep going back to the program every year as my business grows and I'm ready for the next step!

- Nathalie Lussier
Online Marketing Strategist

"Even though I had been in business for many, many years, the legal and financial element of running my company had often felt intimidating to me. Even when I knew what to do, I didn’t know how to get started or who to work with. From the moment I read over the transcripts for the first time, I started implementing Ali’s wise advice. Today, some months later, I have a business that stands on a solid foundation and I have a newly found deep sense of peace because I can see exactly where my business is going and I've got the resources to lead it fearlessly. Thank you Ali for shedding light into the dark corners of MY business."

-Christiane Holbrook
CEO & Launch Strategist

"One of the best investments in myself and my business was purchasing LIFT and joining Allie and the Eyes Wide Open community. I joined because I had a growing business and was afraid of taxes, financials and insurance. The LIFT tools helped me understand how to build a solid business foundation. Allie and the Eyes Wide Open community gave me the support to make personal and business decisions with more confidence and grace. My biggest transformation is that I am no longer afraid of money. I know how to value my time, energy, creativity and vision and I know I can create what I need when I need it. I’m not afraid to talk to my CPA, create agreements with employees and clients and make decisions knowing the numbers with my eyes wide open. I have more clarity and tools to continue to do what I love and serve my community. If you want to take your life and your business to a new level I highly recommend Allie."

-Wendy Ramirez
Founder & CEO | Spanish Sin Pena

Everything you need to LIFT your business foundations from shaky to
solid, for long term success

In-Depth Training On the Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax Matters YOU MUST UNDERSTAND to Be Your Own Best Advisor, and Hire the Right Advisors to Support Your Decision-Making -- DO NOT HIRE A CPA, BOOKKEEPER, LAWYER or INSURANCE OR FINANCIAL ADVISOR UNTIL YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH THESE MODULES.

✔️ 40 bite-size, easy to digest Training Videos 
✔️ Listen-Anywhere Audio 
✔️ Written Transcripts

Eyes Wide Open Coaching
✔️ Weekly group coaching calls to get support (for the rest of the year)
✔️ Direct coaching with Ali + our CFO + our holistic therapist

Private Members Forum
✔️ Direct access to Ali, her personal CFO, and her holistic therapist
✔️ Eyes Wide Open Community 

Lifetime Access
✔️Keep LIFT training + legal templates forever
✔️Go at your pace
✔️Receive all future updates

A High ROI Investment - For LIFE

If you’ve invested in any business coaching programs in the past 5 years, I bet they only taught you marketing and sales. 

But, they may have told you it was MORE important to learn marketing than it is to establish legal and tax structures. 🤦‍♀️

While it’s true that being a great marketer goes a very long way in making money, neglecting your LIFT foundations is a recipe for losing it all. Trust me, I know because that’s exactly what happened to me several years ago.

When you invest in LIFT, you’re saying yes to turning your business into a long-term asset you can rely on.

It’s easy to chase after quick-fix business solutions, like marketing and sales programs that promise an influx of cash. And knowing how to bring in the money is critical.

And, then, you need to know how to steward it wisely.

Wise stewardship = LIFT.

If you're making $100K+ per year (or you’re planning to), your one-time investment of $5,555 in LIFT could help you save hundreds of thousands over the next decade.

The fundamental business knowledge and radical self mastery you’ll gain through LIFT is absolutely priceless.
Christy Sharafinski, Off Leash Branding
“Instantly I brought on my biggest client yet. I watched my confidence soar, and the quality of my work reached the next level.”
Gareth Hermann, Co-Founder of Magic
“I had a lawsuit dismissed, got my contracts in place, sold my business and now I sleep better at night.”
Nathalie Lussier, Founder of Access Ally
“I felt like I could speak intelligently with the people I was hiring.”
Beatrice Perkins, Brand Excitement
“When the IRS sent me a huge bill, I challenged it, and I won.”
Leah Grant, Serial Entrepreneur
“I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and now that I know I feel MUCH more protected.”
Anjel Hartwell,
“If I could go back I would tell myself just do it.”
Artie Virpella
“Hang around with Ali. You’ll get infected with all the good things.”

We get these questions a lot!

Do I really
need LIFT?

Only if you want to create a secure, reliable, stable business foundation for yourself. If you are bringing in $100k per year of top-line revenue, or you want to be, not understanding what’s in LIFT will cost you far more than the cost of enrolling in LIFT and dedicating a few hours a week to learning.

It’s easy to delay these aspects of business and believe they’re not a priority, because they don’t always create instant rewards.

But you’ll do yourself a HUGE favor by having the maturity and foresight to learn the easy way now vs. delaying it until you have to learn through extremely expensive mistakes.

Your future self will thank you!

 I’m new in business. Is joining LIFT now too soon?

As soon as you’re ready to start taking yourself seriously as a business owner, LIFT is the next step for you. If your ultimate vision is to be fully self employed as the owner of a secure business, then it’s NOT too soon to jump in.

LIFT will set you up to succeed on both the structural and personal level. You’ll walk away from LIFT feeling confident and secure.

We even have people enroll in LIFT who aren’t in business yet because they want to know what they need to know before they even open their doors … hello fact finders! :) And they know that if they keep putting off learning about LIFT, they’re likely to keep delaying the start of their business.

So, LIFTing ahead of time may even be right for you.

Can’t I just hire someone to do this for me?

Lawyers, CPAs, and bookkeepers can assist you inside of your business– but having their assistance is not a replacement for your responsibility toward understanding how LIFT works in your business.

In fact, abdicating your responsibility to CPAs, bookkeepers, and even lawyers, without knowing what you need to ask them, having the language to ask, and being able to comprehend their responses is a fast path to terrible decisions.

Take my story for example: my CPA told me I didn’t need to incorporate because it wouldn’t provide any liability protection or tax benefits. But she didn’t understand me or what I was building. Her misattuned advice cost me over $100,000 in unnecessary taxes the first year I made $1M in revenue.

When you outsource without understanding what you need, you are setting yourself up for problems.

Remember, I AM a lawyer, and I had bookkeepers and CPAs, and I still made over $1M in mistakes because I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

Getting in an empowered relationship of clarity and understanding with your own LIFT will prepare you to hire the right bookkeeper, CPA, lawyer, and insurance professionals to support you.

I live outside the U.S. Will the LIFT curriculum apply to me?

Yes! While there are a few aspects of the LIFT program that are specific to the United States, the rest is applicable to business owners in any country. 

95%+ of the LIFT curriculum will apply to you in your country, because business is business, no matter where you live. We have many international clients who have found huge success with the program because it taught them to ask the right questions and to become discerning thinkers about their own LIFT matters. Our graduates in and more, are confidently scaling secure companies and creating impact in the world, because they got the LIFT they needed. 

I don’t have a CPA / Bookkeeper / Lawyer – Can you refer me?

Yes, when you join LIFT, I’ll open my hard-won rolodex with the best of the best CPAs, Lawyers, Insurance Professionals, Bookkeepers, and Financial Advisors.

Better yet, I’ll teach you how to work with them wisely, so you get the most from the relationship and avoid costly mistakes.

I know I need this, but it just feels so dry and boring. Will LIFT be fun?

I get it. Legal, insurance, financial and tax might not be the sexiest thing out there… but you know what is sexy? Having a rock solid business foundation with all the systems and structures to strategically grow your company, make an impact, and earn reliable income.

And YES, we have fun inside of LIFT! You’ll meet many amazing new entrepreneur friends. We spend a lot of our time on the calls laughing and being human with each other.

I’m SO busy.
Will this fit into
 my schedule?

If your business development is a priority to you, you’ll be able to make time for LIFT. You can go at your own pace, and use the program in the way that works for you. That may look like binge watching the content in one weekend, or moving through it week-by-week.

The coaching calls you'll get access to via Eyes Wide Open coaching are every week and always recorded. They are at 430pPT/730pET.

When you join LIFT, you keep the materials forever to revisit them whenever you need. You’ll also receive upgraded resources every time we add them.

Plus, I’ll be giving you my time management strategy that allowed me to build multiple businesses as a single mom, become a prolific publisher of content, and build a $10M per year enterprise. If I can find the time, so can you.

And, trust me, it’s going to be a lot more time-costly to run into trouble you could have avoided, if you had LIFT in your life and business from the start.

I need LIFT and I don’t have the funds. How can I make it happen? 

If you don’t have the funds to invest in LIFT yet, focus on getting into right relationship with money. You may want to start with the Enough Course.

Once you’ve learned to generate (the first stage in your journey to financial liberation), join us in LIFT so you can steward what you have.

If you’ve already learned to generate, then generate what you need to invest in LIFT, where you’ll then expand your capacity for more.

Have More Questions?
We're Here and Ready to Support.

My team and I are happy to answer any questions you have about the program, coaching sessions, bonuses or registration process. We are here to fully support you to step into your next level of confidence as CEO of your life & business . If you have any questions at all you can click the chat box in the bottom right hand side of this page to connect with someone right now or you can email us at and we’ll be happy to answer your questions, so you can make an eyes wide open decision.

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